Brief: With the given Big League sports team, create an event that highlights Fine Art and the sports team. You can choose any relevant Fine Artist.

Icon created from Chicago Bull's logo icon and Jean-Michel Basquiat's crown.
Concept: On the 12th of June 2021 for a week, older and new fans of the Chicago Bulls can experience the past glories of the Bulls via virtual reality kit with the collaboration with Jean-Michel Basquiat.
The goals and objective of the event was to garner spirit for the Chicago Bulls and Fine Art through an immerse experience to relive past glories.

I used key adjectives that describe both the Chicago Bull's as a team and Jean-Michel Basquiat's artwork. The keywords are flow, bold. colourful, scratchy, relentless, dynamic and momentous.
Out of 3 directions, I went with 'Motion'. This was to reflect movement in Bulls' games and Basquiat's work. The colour is directly picked from Basquiat's artwork. I used a more textured aesthetic to create the impression of Basquiat's work while simultaneously showing the essence of the Bulls.
Here are the elements I created for the event.

The contents of the box are the goggles, a T-shirt, sport shorts and headbands that the fans can wear during and after the event.
Note: This project was voted Best Project in my Graphic Design Studio I class with Professor Sam Eckersley.